Temperature Screening Kiosk
Please Call for Information & Pricing
How does the technology work?
The kiosks support human body temperature detection and temperature display, with a marginal measurement error of ±0.5 °C . The kiosk reads the forehead skin temperature.
A distance of 0.5 meters is recommended for most accurate readings, with 1 meter being the longest distance at which temperature can be read
It only takes a few seconds for detection and an alarm will sound automatically when temperature abnormality is detected – at a threshold set by the user.
Hardware designed for reliability
• Waterproof and dust-proof
• Industrial-grade infrared camera with binocular-wide vision and LED lights
• 8in High definition LCD display screen
• Built-in speakers for automatic audible alerts and personalised messages
• High definition
Dashboard Control
The bundled PC-based software allows you to:
• Monitor users and activity
• Configure and control devices from a centralised point
• Compile network reports based on areas and movements
Call Elmdale IT on 01189821444